02-02: God Gives Grace
Thank you for joining us for worship today! We're grateful for each of you. In today's message, Pastor Tag continues in Ephesians 4, making some obeservations about the grace of God in our lives.
01-26: Building Up Believers
Thank you for joining us for worship today! In this sermon, we dive into Ephesians 4 and learn about how we build up one another in unity by living out the calling on our lives.
01-19: The Journey Complete
Thank you for joining us today for worship! Pastor Tag continues on in our study of Elijah as we look at the completion of the prophet's journey in 2 Kings 2.
01-12: Strength for The Journey
Thank you for joining us today for worship! We continue our study of Elijah's journey and how it relates to our own in Christ. In this message, Pastor Tag focuses on where do we look and how do we maintain our strength for the journey.
01-05: The Journey
Thank you for joining us for worship today! We're glad you've decided to tune in with us. As we start 2025, Pastor Tag encourages us to hone in on the journey that is our lives and focus on how God is working and where it may lead us.
12-29: Thirsting For God
Thank you for joining us for worship today! We wish you all a Happy New Year! May the Lord bless you and keep you in the year to come. In today's sermon, Pastor Tag discusses thirsting for God and the meaning it holds for the believer and the unbeliever.
12-22: Immanuel, God With Us
Thank you for joining us for worship today! We're grateful you can join us for our Christmas service. In today's sermon we look at the meaning of 'God with us' and the implications for us in our daily lives.
12-15: The Theology of Christmas
Thank you for joining us for worship today! Throughout the Advent season we have been looking at the deity of Christ. In this sermon, Pastor Tag walks us through Philippians 2:5-11 as we discuss the importance of Jesus as a servant.
12-08: The Suffering Saviour - Week 2
Thank you for joining us for worship today! We continue in our studying of Isaiah 53 as Pastor Tag builds a portrait of who Jesus is and the importance of His coming during this advent season.
12-01: The Suffering Saviour
Thank you for joining us for worship today! We begin the advent season by looking at who Jesus is in Isaiah 53 - the Suffering Saviour.
11-24: Grace and Gratitude
Thank you for joining us today for worship! We take a look at Luke 17 where Jesus heals the 10 lepers, their responses, and how it relates to how we show gratitude to Christ our Savior.
11-17: The Snatching
Thank you for joining us for worship today! Pastor Tag dives into 1 Thesslonians 4 and discusses the second coming of Jesus Christ.